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Lincolnshire-based master of close-up magic and mentalism


From the moment his father made a coin disappear before his eyes and then reappear behind his ear, John was hooked on magic, and so he made it his aim to share his passion with the world. Since then, John has travelled all over the country, performing at weddings, parties and corporate events, delighting guests with his mesmerising mix of close-up magic and mind reading.

John’s ingenious and often bewildering act has won him numerous wedding industry awards and has led some to call him “Lincolnshire’s very own Derren Brown”. From high-concept tricks with unusual props, to classic card magic and sleight of hand, he offers the full package for entertaining guests at your next event.

Video Samples

Thank you so much for entertaining our guests. Everyone hasn’t stopped talking about your talent

Vicki and Richard

Amazing day! You have got so many people hooked on magic and baffled, lol! Thank you so much.

Amanda and Vaughan

Thank you John, we loved the trick at the end! It was good to know those that didn't want to, or couldn't dance, were being entertained.

Steph and Olivia